Monday, 27 March 2017

Sleep Problems In Children

Back in the day, only adults complain of sleep issues. From your productive adult years to later in life as a resident in a nursing home, sleep can evade you and leave you wide awake at night.

On the other hand, children enjoy more sleep than adults. No or lesser responsibility allows them to sleep longer hours. Their active lifestyle of play and make believe also leave them exhausted at the end of the day, making it easier for kids to drift off to sleep once they hit the sack. And it makes sense considering their body needs enough sleep and rest to grow big and strong.

However, the many distractions of technology compete with a child’s attention and sleep is the last thing on their mind. Most children nowadays stay up way past their bed time. That is unheard of over a decade ago when kids have nothing left to do once night time falls. Today, they have iPads and tablets that are full of interesting apps they can’t get enough of. Older kids also have their own smartphones. As a result, sleep problems like insomnia, snoring, or apnea become common in kids and it is a cause of concern for parents.

Hospital attendances in England for children under 14 with sleep disorders have tripled in 10 years, according to NHS data analysed by BBC Panorama.

Ten times more prescriptions of common sleep medication melatonin have also been written for children and adults under 55 over the same period.

Poor sleep in children has been linked to a greater risk of obesity, lower immunity, and mental health issues.

It is also linked to lack of emotional control and poor school performance.


Overexposure to gadgets also exposes kids to blue light that reduces melatonin production, the hormone that makes people feel sleepy. Lack of sleep lowers immunity and makes you more prone to sickness. Apart from that, their school performance also suffers.

New work opportunities also allow parents to work remotely from home. It has an edge allowing them to earn from home and still look after their kids. The problem is that they get busy at night and bedtimes are pushed much later. Also, it is easier for a busy parent to indulge their child with the tablet so they can be more productive at home.

A child needs 9-11 hours of sleep daily for normal growth and development. But the average sleeping hours most kids now get is 7-8. In the U.K., more and more children end up in the hospital because of poor sleeping habits.

The number of children admitted to hospital with problems sleeping has risen by a tenth in a year in Birmingham.

There were at least 328 admissions in 2015/16 of children aged 18 and under with a primary diagnosis of sleeping disorders from the Birmingham CrossCity CCG.

These figures represent a 13% increase from around 291 admissions in 2014/15.

The numbers may be slightly higher for both years as the number of admissions for some age groups has been suppressed to prevent identification.

Children aged between zero and four were the most likely to be admitted, with 163 admissions in 2015/16.


If you do not address sleeping issues in kids, it can be a constant issue as they enter their teens. Along with their raging hormones and other puberty milestones, it can leave them confused and prone to mental health issues.

Adolescents who do not get enough sleep are more at risk for alcohol and marijuana use, conclude the results of research published this month in the Journal of Adolescent Health.  This study joins another, also published this month in the journal Sleep Medicine, showing that  adolescents who do not get enough sleep are more at risk for anxiety disorders, and a similar 2014 journal Sleep study showing that  sleep-deprived teens are at greater risk for depression.

Researchers and health professionals have long known that too little sleep in adolescence is related to pretty much all things bad for their mental health, including irritability, moodiness, anxiety, poor decision-making, inattention, behavior problems, and even suicide ideation and attempts.


Similar to sleep issues with kids, electronic gadgets are yet again the major factor that causes sleep deprivation in teens. They have more independence to do the things they like but sometimes lack the wisdom to discern what is right from wrong.It might seem like a difficult feat to accomplish but the only way to bring back normal sleeping habits among kids and teens is to take away gadgets that can mess with their sleep and establish daily routines.

It might seem like a difficult feat to accomplish but the only way to bring back normal sleeping habits among kids and teens is to establish routines and take away gadgets that can mess with their sleep. Either you do that or you all suffer frol lack of sleep.

Sleep Problems In Children Find more on:


Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Stop Snoring With A Good Mouthpiece

tbsmpYou can have the best snoring mouthpiece if you meticulously research it. First, try to visit the nearest mall or shops near you and ask if they are selling these snoring mouthpieces. Some of them will find the product new to their ears but there are also store outlets who sell this kind of product. The good thing about seeing the actual mouthpiece is you can make comparisons and determine if it is really suitable for you. Of course, you can also be assured that you are not scammed if you find the best snoring mouthpiece in a mall or shop. In fact, you can even try it out while you're there!

However, if there are no snoring mouthpieces available in your area, the best thing to do is to research online. Buying online is way convenient than buying in malls or shops; but you should be careful in choosing a seller because scams are almost anywhere. Try to research or read product reviews as well as the company’s profile. Do not just rely on the things that are posted but take time to consider the reviews given by their previous customers. Through this way, you can get the best snoring mouthpiece for your needs.

Advantages Of Stop Snoring Mouthpiece

Snoring can signal a medical condition. This should not be ignored because it might get worse over time. This is the reason why the stop snoring mouthpiece is now available. Basically, the mouthpiece is used when a person sleeps. It helps create a clear airway passage; thus, it allows proper oxygenation to the brain and other parts of the body. It is not just a simple accessory for sleeping but it is also a useful tool towards a good sleeping pattern. People who use the stop snoring mouthpiece will have an improved breathing pattern and will experience less snoring episodes when sleeping. It comes in different quality so users should choose the right mouthpiece for his/her needs.

Although some people aren't big fans of anti-snoring mouthpieces, there are a number of users already who find it very useful in day to day living. Suddenyl, they can sleep peacefully and their partners will not hear their annoying sounds. The stop snoring mouthpiece may be an investment to make but there is no harm in trying it. It can be the best way to alleviate your snoring episodes and correct any existing medical conditions related to it. Some solid reviews are here.

Stop Snoring With A Good Mouthpiece is available on OCBG


Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Why You Should Not Let Your Dogs Lick You

Dogs are man’s best friend. Many pet owners have dogs for pets, and for good reasons. Most pet dogs are friendly, cuddly, and sweet. They wag their tails once they see their owners and always tag along during outside walks. They help relieve anxiety and put a smile on their owner's faces and brighten their days.

Like any social creature, dogs love the attention given by their humans. They play tricks to keep their owners entertained. It is why pet owners go to great lengths to care for their dogs. Vaccines are complete. Food and water are given on time. Daily walks are a must. Some even take their dogs with them when they travel. And cuddling with them is done with pleasure.

In return, dogs lick their owners (hands and faces) to show them that they are happy and love them back. However, recent findings show that pet owners should not let their dogs lick them because of health reasons – which are apparently obvious to non-pet owners right from the start.

If you have a dog, you've probably asked it to "give kisses" — that is, greet you with licks to the face. But if you're not careful, you might be getting a lot more than kisses with every pooch smooch.

As reported in The New York Times on Saturday, letting your dog lick your face risks disease transmission, including diseases humans can't handle.

"There are some organisms unique to dogs that we were simply not meant to tolerate or combat," Dr. Neilanjan Nandi, an assistant professor of medicine at Drexel University College of Medicine.

So, it just makes perfect sense to miss out on your dog’s smooches or risk getting sick in return.

Those organisms include zoonotic bacteria, which means animals can pass them to people. Some of the bacteria include E. coli, salmonella and campylobacter, which can cause gastrointestinal disease, Dr. Leni K. Kaplan, a lecturer of community practice service at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, told the Times.


Do not give in to your dog’s kisses. There are other ways to show them you care and appreciate them in your life minus the sloppy kisses here and there.

For many, life holds few greater pleasures than being covered in sloppy kisses by their dog, but such displays of affection can sometimes come with serious consequences.

A report in BMJ tells the story of a 70-year-old U.K. woman who, after being licked by her pet greyhound, ended up hospitalized and fighting for her life.

She was initially taken to the hospital after experiencing speech issues and becoming unresponsive, notes FOX News.

A few days later, her conditioned worsened.

Testing revealed she had developed sepsis and suffered from multiorgan dysfunction, but she recovered after two weeks of "intensive care support and broad-spectrum antibiotics."

According to the report, the culprit was a bacterium called C. canimorsus which is "frequently isolated in the oral cavities of dogs and cats."

And the risk is higher among the young and the old, who happens to be more open to pet companionship in their day-to-day.

The authors of the study note the risk of becoming seriously ill after being nipped, scratched, or kissed by a dog is low, but can be higher among newborns and the elderly, according to CBS News.


No one is stopping anyone from having a pet dog. You can even pet a cat or even a bird if you like and it is all up to you. And if you do not mind that your dog licks you to show your bond with each other, then it is your call too. Just be reminded that the experts have warned you about dog kisses being full of harmful bacteria that can make one really sick – so do not say you were not warned in case you end up in the emergency room feeling really sick for no reason at all.

Why You Should Not Let Your Dogs Lick You Read more on: OCBG


Thursday, 9 March 2017

Women Suffer in Silence

Women of today have earned the right to work alongside men and even excel in their chosen professions. They have come so far from the meek and submissive women a century ago. Not only do they enjoy similar voting rights as the opposite sex, they also occupy important positions in various institutions - both in government offices and private corporations – that America almost elected their first woman president by a slim margin.

As confidence in what women can achieve continues to rise over the years, there are things that women are expected to bear on their own. They are expected to work alongside men regardless of physical limitations only they go through. The inconvenience of having a monthly menstrual cycle and the blessing (And burden) of carrying a child in her womb messes with a woman’s body and emotions that only men can imagine. Hence, their mental health suffers as they strive to keep up with expectations of their peers and their bosses.

“Women and men have different health needs but mental health issues are especially ‘gendered’,” says O’Connor. “Young women, for example, have different mental health needs. They will talk about issues like eating disorders and self-harm. We are not saying that women experience mental health issues more than men, but just that their needs are different, so we need to look at them separately, and we need to look at our services and our policies.”

No matter what age group, girls and women are at a disadvantage to their male counterpart.

Rates of depression among adult women are about 2½ times as common as in adult men, says Prof O’Keane. So why are women 2½ times more likely to be depressed than men, we ask.

“Because of the social and biological aspects of being female,” says Prof O’Keane. “Inequality breeds depression, so in any group in society that is relatively disadvantaged, you will have higher levels of depression.

“If you look at people who are disadvantaged socioeconomically, they will have higher rates of depression than the more affluent, socioeconomically advantaged.

“If you look at women as a whole in relation to rights, to human rights and to socioeconomic status, obviously women are poorer, they are more disadvantaged, they have lower rates of promotion to senior positions, they are disadvantaged in terms of their environments and their jobs and they don’t have the same parity of pay.


A woman’s mental health becomes even more of an issue during their reproductive years as issues like post-partum depression are experienced by many new mothers yet seldom recognized or treated. As a result, women suffer from their depression in silence, overwhelmed by the changes in their body and the new responsibility of caring for a tiny human being.

A staggering 81% of women who responded to a survey by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) said they had experienced a maternal mental health problem. This high figure however was widely reported in the media – but it is misleading. As the authors themselves recognised, the self-selecting nature of the survey meant that women with experiences of perinatal mental health problems were far more likely to respond.

There are dangers in reporting such high rates of mental health problems associated with childbirth, or in suggesting that a majority of women need the input of mental health services. An unintended consequence of such high figures is to deflect attention from those women who do require specialist care. It is vital to remember that perinatal mental illnesses, such as postpartum psychosis, can be some of the most severe episodes dealt with by mental health services.


As we celebrate International Women’s Day 2017, it is the perfect opportunity to raise awareness on women’s mental health and fight for gender equality in all aspects of life, especially in enjoying equal work opportunities.

Women are more likely to have a mental health problem, and almost twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with anxiety disorders.

Worldwide, more than 1 in 3 women will experience sexual or domestic violence. And people who point fingers at other countries, and say that things are better in the UK, need to take a good look at the statistics here.

In the UK, one in four women experience domestic violence. Yet since 2010, 34 specialist refuges have been closed and 2 in 3 women are being turned away from a refuge.

Looking after women’s mental health is crucial no matter what part of the globe you live in.

We need International Women’s Day because it’s important to celebrate women – our achievements, our battle and our beauty. But most importantly we need it because we are not living in a post-feminist society and the fight for our rights very much continues.


What we must all remember is that everything starts at home. How do you treat the women in your household or outside your home? Mental health issues among women will no longer be an issue with a family that respects every member of the household regardless of their gender. Visit to learn more about mental health, health care, and child welfare and to receive the support you need if you are a woman struggling with mental health issues.

Women Suffer in Silence is courtesy of The HD Business Blog
